“We are billions of caterpillars forced into our cocoons, being called on to change from the inside out, to metamorphose, to rest, and reflect, and sprout wings. “ - Author Unknown
As billions of people around the planet are literally changing every way that they’ve seen their lives, we’re seeing a trend of going within, wanting to get back to simple, make a difference, and live more meaningful lives. I see the forced changes that have come along with Covid-19 in 2020 to be a great awakening to how we “do” life, shifting us, whether we like it or not, to change. It’s interesting how change takes place over the course of evolution. Some changing in a slow and gentle natural progression that is easy to accept, and others changing like the force of a natural disaster, quickly, often violently, and indiscriminately altered forever. But what the two methods have in common is this: change. Like the proverbial caterpillar, we are metamorphosing into what the future will look like now.
We’ve done an excellent, even amazing job of adapting to our present circumstances. Schools converting to online supports, lunchrooms and busses converting to delivery services, medical facilities converting to the acute care facilities they were trained for, offices and services all over the place converting to Teleconferencing, Zoom becoming a mainstay of normal life to keep in touch.
And here’s the thing: some of these things are here to stay. Some of these things are going to change how we “do” life. One thing I’ve learned is that in times like these what we feel is “essential” is finally brought out over all the fluff and stuff we’ve attempted to comfort and convenience ourselves with. Our health, or the worry over our health, has suddenly become priority number one. As in the past when health conditions were improved through a change in sanitation and cleanliness, the need to be reminded of being sanitary and improve personal hygiene, support our immune systems, and make lifestyle changes is paramount once again. Never in our lifetimes, for many of us, has the wellness of our being been so important, in order to maintain health. This is the realm in which I have lived, worked, and studied for years. It is more than a job to me, it is a passion for the service I can give, and it is my way of life.
Many of you know that before our current situation, I was busy continuing to grow in my education and evolve my service, as I have been since day one, almost 15 years ago. I’ve continued to be educated, to have experiences, to attend classes, earn new diplomas, and change my business model as it was ready. And without it, my ability to help wouldn’t be what it is today. I embrace change at a regular pace, as we should to grow as humans, and thus grow in our service.
Well, I’m welcoming that change again and I’m excited to finally share it with you. I’ve been increasing my training and improving my systems and now It seems nature has had a way (as always) of determining for me that it was time.
As my work has expanded in allowing me to work with people in other parts of the globe, it has been necessary for me to consistently change to a model that does not rely on in person visits. It has been amazing to work with people who have a different kind of “normal” than my own, or those that have less access to services or supplies, or those who believe differently about nourishment. But one thing that never changes no matter the geography….people truly WANT to improve, to be healthy and feel well. No matter where a person finds themselves, I have wanted to be prepared and able to meet them where they’re at, at any address, not just those within driving distance to my office.
While many providers have adapted quickly to a “telehealth” appointment system out of necessity (and I daresay that model will not ever now fall off the radar), I won’t be going back to a clinic setting.
What I’ve been cocooning and developing is finally ready to spread its wings. I have converted into a Bioenergetics Testing Lab in which I can serve more people, have a greater reach, and give people access to improved wellness strategy. Even once people go back to business as usual, my Functional Wellness Clinic support will remain “telehealth”.
Testing can still find the imbalances and stressors that are throwing the body’s functioning off, can identify stress resonance to parasites, viruses, and bacteria, can improve organ and cellular function, decreasing inflammation, and identify balancing factors, nutrients, hormones, and phenolics that are necessary to each person. A plan of action can be implemented and education improved more efficiently through analyzing individual needs.
Appointments with me are the same; we are still “live” through the private HIPAA approved teleconferencing feature provided through my clinic management software. Bioenergetics testing is simply conducted through a hair/nail analysis rather than in person and our virtual testing library is now way larger.
What does that mean for you?
- You set an appointment through the appointment portal for a time that is convenient for you. You don’t have to take time off or leave work or school, plan drive time, find childcare, or leave the house when you’re social distancing or feeling unwell.
- You receive instructions to your email and send your hair/nail sample in the mailbox, or drop it off if you’re nearby.
- We connect through the appointment link at your scheduled time.
- You receive insight and I send you all the resources you can choose to help you.
I’m working to help everyone be more aware of their health. I want everyone to be at the peak of their wellness, so I’m offering appointments through April at the price of $60 to help you get the support you need to be well, and so you can experience the ease and convenience of wellness in this way.
What I’ve found so far…
- The clients I’ve worked with have commented on how convenient this is. “Why haven’t we done this before? It worked out so much better for me and my schedule!”
- They love that it is so informative while being non-invasive
- I’ve been able to help more people, of all ages, anywhere in the world
- I have more time to reach out and continue building therapeutic relationships with those that have entrusted me.
- I have time to share more education.
- I have time to CREATE more education and resources for those I serve.
- I have way more testing options.
- It’s more cost effective.
- I am so excited to have increased my education and offerings.
Whether your goal is to:
# improve your wellness
# build your immune system
# find a proper supplement regimen
# balance your body
# increase functioning
# create a wellness plan
# stay healthy
…...you’ll want to take advantage of an April $60 appointment. Here’s that link again
Your Life After Covid: 5 Questions to Ask Yourself
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