Rebuilding Connective Tissue and Ligaments in the Knee:  8 Simple Tips You Can Use Today

Rebuilding Connective Tissue and Ligaments in the Knee: 8 Simple Tips You Can Use Today

I know pain, injury, or inflammation in crucial joints like the knee or the hip can be quite life-debilitating.  Since they influence how well one is able to get around and enjoy life, it goes to show some easy nourishing and lifestyle tips can go miles in helping your body repair and reduce inflammation causing stiffness and pain.
While the trouble with joints including knees or hips is very direct, the health and capability of the whole body is essential.  Obviously to build healthy tissue ANYWHERE in the body, the proper nutrients need to come in and they need to be digested and utilized.  Nutrients that keep the body functioning well promote proper elimination through healthy organs.  How well the body does these tasks determines that the correct hormones and fats going through the body can work on their own, and hormones are an often unidentified component in the body's ability to heal.  For this, checking on your balance in necessary hormones is helpful along with eating hormone balancing foods.  
If you are not yet aware of DrFoodie's studies on Food FUNCTION over food nutrient plating, you might want to check out that course or at least the intro video to learn more.
In addition, some options to consider that you can start immediately to assist the body's processes...
1. Turmeric and ginger both are naturally anti inflammatory and taken internally both through adding to food and in supplement form have been known to help assist repair of damage. 
2. Eating pineapple. Its naturally anti inflammatory and bromelain helps to break down inflammation 
3. Epsom salt baths or rags soaked in hot epsom salt water and applied as a compress can relieve undo inflammation,  giving the tissue a chance to heal, followed by ice pack 
4. Arnica gel massages onto the area helps to aid healing through increased circulation
5. Drinking or Juicing pineapple and pomegranate juices can speed up healing
6. Horsetail, which was sent in your supplement recommendation is key as it contains silica, potassium and manganese which help grow the connective tissues.
7. Castor oil packs to the knee. Soak a small rag to cover the affected area with castor oil and 3-4 drops choice or combination of oils:  peppermint, wintergreen, lemongrass,chamomile, helichrysum. Cover with plastic wrap and apply heating pack for 20 minutes. After, massage the area, driving the oils deep into the tissue.
8.  Check with your practitioner if hormone support supplements would be beneficial for you.  Using a hair analysis like we use in our lab is a great way to check for how the body has been using nutrients long term, as well as determining what supports could be used.  You can easily set a distance testing here.


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Want to learn more about taking charge of your health and learn Food Functions, too? Join the list and get 4 FREE resources to help you! This link will get you to free tips, free tools like our Food FX chart and tally chart.

Amanda Plevell, PhD, CNHP is a Natural Medicine Practitioner, researching Cellular Biochemistry, and the effects that food, disease, experiences, emotions, and beliefs play into the programming of the cells, along with the resulting health expression. She is the founder of the Natural Source Companies including community WellClinics, Health Rocks Cafe online education hangout and, as a Personal and Business Transformation Expert, The Success Conditioning Academy. Author of over 28 natural health and self development books, her bestselling books include such titles as "The Genesis Code", "UnBound: Kicking Anxiety From Your Bucket List", "The Energy of Divorce", "The Real Heal", "Clean Your Plate", and "Beyond the Plate". When she's not serving at her Minnesota-based practice, she spends her time homeschooling her children along with her husband, growing food, and making garden medicines. You can access her courses at her online hub: Health Rocks Cafe, found at

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**Not a medical doctor. For entertainment and educational purposes only, not as a substitute for diagnosis, treatment, or cure or proper medical attention. read our full common sense Disclaimer here.
I may receive commissions for products recommended, though we only recommend things we agree with, use, love, and believe you would find useful as well. **Obviously these tips cannot take the place of medical attention.  For educational purposes only. 
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