Gluten Free Sourdough Cultured Pie Crust

Gluten Free Sourdough Cultured Pie Crust

The first of our miracle doughs from the wonderfully health beneficial sourdough starter is a gluten free pie crust.  

I LOVE this gluten free pie crust.  It's light, it's flaky, it browns in the oven, looks and acts like regular pie crust and oh my gosh yummy, it tastes like it was made using lard. (gross, and totally unhealthy, I know, but it is the classical ingredient that creates awesome pie crust!) Obviously, I don't want to use lard, and this pie crust tastes just like it!  With amazing health bennies of course.  I'm going to health it up as much as possible, but this is a recipe where I'm trying to make a food compromise...make a healthier alternative to a much loved favorite, where normally, I'm looking for the function in the body I am trying to serve, and then come up with recipes to serve that function.  There's a big difference there.  


1 cup tapioca starch

1/2 cup oat flour (I pulverized oatmeal so it was still a bit gritty rather than using fine store bought oat flour)

1/4 cup coconut flour

1/2 teaspoon salt

Mix all together, then cut in 1/2 cup cold butter, 1/2 cup coconut oil until crumbly.

Then stir in 1/2 cup of the gluten free sourdough starter that you have on hand. 

You knead and mix, knead and mix, and can add no more than 1/4 cup of water total until it's a nice smooth dough.  Note:  it will be stickier and more moist than traditional pie crust.

Gluten Free Healthy Sourdough Pie Crust

Cover this and let rest for at least 8 hours.

Once the rest period is over, you can flour a cutting board, cut the dough in half, and use one half to PRESS it into the pie crust.  Bake this for 10 minutes at 375°.

Gluten Free healthy soudough pie crust

The second half can be rolled out on the floured cutting board.  I use a cutting board, because once it's rolled, you can invert the whole cutting board on top of the pie crust, as there still is the risk that it will not be as mobile as traditional pie crust.

Healthy flaky rolled gluten free pie crust

Any cracks, rips, or tears can be easily repaired once it's covering the pie but using wet finger and smoothing it back together.

Check back as I'll be adding the recipe for using this crust for a traditional (healthified) apple pie!


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