Grown Up Peach Puree

Grown Up Peach Puree

There's just something so refreshing about peaches and nectarines when they are in season.  You can just feel the weight of the juices in them under your fingertips, waiting to spill out.

When I was in my sickest phases, I ate a lot of pureed foods, you food in a pinch.   They're great because they can be free of additives, be pure food, and since they are pureed, they are easy on a sensitive digestive system while still containing those coveted enzymes we look for in fresh raw fruits and vegetables.  Well, baby food can get old real fast, so I played with a variety of flavors to "grow them up" a little bit.

This grown up peach puree is a favorite of mine as it's cool and refreshing, and with a hit of ginger is calming to the belly.  The tastes are more mature and you don't feel like an overgrown baby eating it....I promise.  

Nectarines and peaches are skin perfection by the way, so gobble them up for soft supple glowing skin.

Side bonus...I make these almond crackers, and take out all of the seasonings, adding 2 tsp of cinnamon instead.  Bake and break and dip the into your grown up puree for a delicious dessert crunch!

The recipe:

1 peach or nectarine, with skin

1/2 tsp cinnamon

1/8 tsp turmeric

1 thin slice fresh ginger

1/2 tsp vanilla

1/2 scoop collagen protein 

Puree all in a single serve blender and eat (or drink).  Can be refrigerated, though the enzymes will darken the color a bit.  

If you make this recipe, I'd love to see how you like it.  Let me know in the comments below!

Serves 1  

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