Conceptual Timelines of Events Tool
One of the ways to identify the old concepts that are limiting you is to identify the situation in which they were created.
On the bottom of a horizontal sheet of paper, draw a line. The left side will be for the oldest dates in history, the right side will be the present.
Ask yourself what memories are seeking to emerge.
As the memory makes itself clear, write the date below the line and the event above the line, so that you are creating a chronology of events from the time you were the youngest to your present day. These can be ALL events, not just the ones you seek healing from, but any event that was important to your life. Just ask which memories wish to come forth. Don’t question or judge them, just write them down.
After you have written as many as you can think of, look at each one. Next to the event, write down what this situation taught you. What did you learn to believe about yourself and/or life? Identify these as limiting beliefs.
Next to THIS, change these limiting beliefs into the NEW concepts you wish to carry.
All of these new concepts can be written on ONE sheet of paper so that you can make copies and read them everywhere, everyday.