Way to go, Minneapolis, MN - Rated #2 Fittest City in America!

Way to go, Minneapolis, MN - Rated #2 Fittest City in America!

"The 11th annual Fitness Index was released today by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the Anthem Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Anthem, Inc. For the first time, the ACSM Fitness Index evaluated America’s 100 largest cities using 33 health behaviors, chronic diseases and community infrastructure indicators. Previously, the Fitness Index measured evidence-based indicators for the 50 largest Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA).

In 2017, the Minneapolis-St. Paul MSA won the crown. With the twin cities split, St. Paul now ranks #8 in the 2018 Fitness Index. Madison, Wis., Portland, Ore., Seattle, Wash., and Denver, Colo. finished fourth through seventh, respectively, in the 2018 Fitness Index ranking.

Arlington residents were found to have the lowest smoking rate and highest reports of very good or excellent health compared to the other 99 communities in the Fitness Index. The suburban Virginia community’s balance of both healthy behaviors and community infrastructure earned it the #1 rank with a score of 77.7. While Arlington ranked #4 in personal health and #5 in community indicators, the balance of its combined scores was enough to edge #2-ranked Minneapolis’ overall score of 77.2. (The ACSM American Fitness Index is available in its entirety at www.americanfitnessindex.org. Visit the website to compare city rankings, download resources and request assistance for your city)." - via www.businesswire.com, read more here.


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