No it wasn't following a new trend or latest fad. It wasn't a mid life crisis, a resort back to my youth, or regrets of youth gone by. And it wasn't on a whim, or drinking binge (I don't drink so that would have been a sign of a much bigger dilemma!)
No, if you don't know, I got my nose pierced on the last day of my physical therapy from getting my legs back. This whole process of pain, loss of dignity, and sense of identity and self , and weeks and weeks of physical therapy, turned into ultimately transformation of my entire self.
Leaving the rehab center that day, I was elated, overjoyed. I was not fully recovered, but I had made huge gains and I knew I was on my way to walking normally and even getting back into fitness in ways I thought were fun. But I didn't forget everything I went through to get to this point. Getting here was incredibly hard, and I still had a long way to go. But walking out of that center, I knew I had accomplished something and I was proud of myself. I had always wanted to have a piercing, but let wondering what others would think of me get in my way. That day I walked out of the clinic and I walked right into Jeff's Tattoo in St. Cloud. I walked out less than 15 minutes later with a statement I could see in my peripheral vision just by looking down my face. It was then and now a reminder to me of strength. Of doing something I never thought I could do...and getting through it. It would forever remind me how strong I am, how Strong and Good God is, and no matter what anyone else thinks or judges, I see that reminder every day.