Foodie Guru
Me and Jerry Rice
This being football season and the rush of football is literally in the air with every chill breeze and blowing leaf, you can almost feel the cold steel of the...
Me and Jerry Rice
This being football season and the rush of football is literally in the air with every chill breeze and blowing leaf, you can almost feel the cold steel of the...
Training our Inner Obedience
We've been taking dog obedience training with my son and his dog. It is interesting to me to watch someone in their element; someone who is obviously doing what they...
Training our Inner Obedience
We've been taking dog obedience training with my son and his dog. It is interesting to me to watch someone in their element; someone who is obviously doing what they...
The Idea's Time Has Come
What do I mean when I talk about Greatness Within? It is that perfect moment when the soul has aligned with the outward expression through your 3D body and existence.It...
The Idea's Time Has Come
What do I mean when I talk about Greatness Within? It is that perfect moment when the soul has aligned with the outward expression through your 3D body and existence.It...
Can't Sleep? Watch out! Why Lack of Sleep is ...
I know all about you. Know just your type. Type A, Yellow, Fire, whatever else all the personality tests have shown you to be. You burn the candle at both...
Can't Sleep? Watch out! Why Lack of Sleep is ...
I know all about you. Know just your type. Type A, Yellow, Fire, whatever else all the personality tests have shown you to be. You burn the candle at both...
When Politics Fail You
"Be the change you wish to see in the world". "You are what you repeatedly do". "Do unto others as you would do unto you." We've all heard the quotes,...
When Politics Fail You
"Be the change you wish to see in the world". "You are what you repeatedly do". "Do unto others as you would do unto you." We've all heard the quotes,...
The Master Calls it a Butterfly
It is definitely a time of much change, including politically, economically, emotionally, domestically, and then some. Really, what is NOT evident in abrupt change currently? In such a time, it's...
The Master Calls it a Butterfly
It is definitely a time of much change, including politically, economically, emotionally, domestically, and then some. Really, what is NOT evident in abrupt change currently? In such a time, it's...